Monday, August 27, 2007

Blog 1: Blogging about Blogs

Blogging Baby:

Anxiety is a huge element of parenting. There is not just one way to raise a child. People have varying viewpoints on child rearing, and it can be difficult to take advice from immediate friends and family because they tend to instruct rather than suggest.

Parents can blog their experiences and ask for help or opinions at Here topics from daycare to specialty motherhood t-shirts are discussed, providing an avenue for parents--especially mothers-- to share their experiences and bond through their commonalities.

For the most part, the posts can interest/directly affect large numbers of the population. For example, Jennifer Jordan wrote a post about dropping her baby off at daycare for the first time. She also asked for advice on how to label all of her baby's personal items and got a detailed response from a fellow mom in 45 minutes.

Though I myself am not a parent, I still found this blog site interesting and informative. Parents love to share their personal experiences and see how they measure up with others. For everyone in general--parents or not-- it is nice to know others are going through similar events, and that it's normal to be concerned or scared. This is especially true in today's world, when headlines include everything from newborns leaving hospitals with domain names selected for them to children being left in cars to overheat.

Some posts are lighthearted and fun, while others are critical and riddled with concern. The mix is a good one, providing an outlet for parents to compare notes in a casual yet influential manner.


KKoviak said...

You found such a cool blog! I know when I become a parent, (in the FAR off future) I'll probably use this blog. It kind of reminds me of a support group. I've never really thought of a blog taking that direction, but it sounds like it could be useful, like your own little support system online.

Rachel said...

With all the recent press about recalls on children's toys, this site sounds like it can help a lot of parents understand what is going on.

I also know that my mom will probably move close to me when or if I have children and that can be rough. I hope sites like this are around if I have children.

Good Post!

Whitney said...

I think this blog is really great. There are lots of young, new parents out there that are always worried about whether or not they are doing the right things. This is a great way for them to find people in their similar situations and get support and advice.

jrichard said...

Good post. Your external voice is strong, and your personal voice is reasonably strong.

However, your words did raise a few questions from the personal voice:

How old are you? Are you married? Why don't you have kids? Are you from a large family?

And even externally: Why do parents need a resource like this? Is it better than books on the subject? Why or why not?

As I said, good post. We'll work on making them great in the weeks to come.